
Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÊ×Ò³ department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science

About Us  |  Academics  |  Careers  |  Current Students
Faculty/Staff  | Research  | Scholarships

Prospective Students

Welcome to Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÊ×Ò³'s Computer Science Department

The Computer Science Department offers degrees in  and Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science. Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÊ×Ò³'s computer science degree attracts many non-traditional students who may be unable to attend classes during the day. Our department offers classes at times that accommodate these students as well as traditional full-time students.

Current Students

If you're already pursuing your computer science degree at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÊ×Ò³, find the resources you need below:

Contact us

Department of Computer Science

College of Arts and Sciences
University of Akron
Akron, OH 44325-4003

Office: 330-972-8805

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÊ×Ò³ computer science department building.